SELVA defines the iterative process of building a robust Thought Leadership Model


The 9 Building Blocks defines a complete model of Thought Leadership.

9 Building Blocks of Strategic Thought Leadership Model
It's like a completed skyscraper in Manhattan. Stable, powerful, stunning.

But skyscrapers don't appear on their own. They need engineering and construction. The engineering requires specialized expertise and the construction requires a process and specialized equipment like massive cranes.

The Iterative Loop of "SELVA" Thought Leadership Model building:

S = System for
E = Engaging
L = Listening,
V = Visioning and
A = Advancing

As you can see on the diagram below, you can enter the Triadic system at either of 2 of the 3 aspects: Listen or Envision.

SELVA in THAUT Process of Strategic Thought Leadership

  1. Listening in Audience Attunement: discovering opportunities for Thought Leadership, or
  2. Envisioning in Thought Leadership Studio: imagining and developing a distinctive Thought Leadership Position to lead an audience to.
Whichever of the two you start with, you'll next need the other as its counterpart in order to have both ends of the vector called a Thought Leadership Path.

Once the Thought Leadership Path is properly defined, then the task is to develop a library of Support Points (AKA Model Movers) that can be summarized in a Position Paper to guide the campaign.

Then you are ready to pivot to the third aspect of the triad: Outputting the Thought Leadership in MindShift Director as powerful content.

The THAUT Process of Strategic Thought Leadership

The THAUT Process of Strategic Thought Leadership