Lock in Loyalty
AKA "Build a Tribe"
When you lead a group of people to embrace "your way" of doing what you do as "the way," your business becomes the only place that delivers what they now demand. You can leave your competition behind in another zipcode while prospects follow you to this new space.
Don't be a Commodity
Avoid "filler content" and keep your business from getting lost in a sea of sameness.
If you aren't leading your audience to the new, then you're just parroting what others say and contributing to content pollution that adds no distinctive information, motivation, or inspirational value. Thought Leadership offers relief from the sameness syndrome.
Market with Respect
Instead of treating prospects as objects, lead to greater value.
Respect is the doorway to deeper (customer) relationships. There is a lot of pushback against the privacy invading nature of big data. Strategic Thought Leadership enables you to use data effectively, but in a different, more respectful way. It's about listening to what people say they want in a way that brings insight instead of just more information.
It isn't just about results, it's about personal satisfaction.
Since Thought Leadership means leading people to the new, it implies creativity. Thought Leadership is also about serving others to help them to get more out of what you sell. Creativity, leadership, and service all feel good to do. Hence, the acronym CLaaS- aHA. Creative Leadership as a Service as High Art.
Be a Liberator
High Level Influence Thought Leadership can open up new possibilities.
It's not just about helping people increase their knowledge. Thought Leadership can also lead people to change the higher level thinking of values, beliefs, and identity. For example, when Thought Leadership influences on a paradigm level, it can release people from the trap of limiting beliefs.
Escape the Design Trap
A website is more than a design- it's a placeholder for your leadership.
It isn't about using filler text to populate a pretty web design. While design is important, good design is ubiquitous: most companies have that now and it won't set you apart. Instead, it's about leading the market to new thinking that sets you and your company apart as the obvious, only choice. Distinctive, great design best plays its role when it acts as a frame for Strategic Thought Leadership.
Demonstrate Excellence
Show your company's expertise and leadership in your content.
Doesn't it best demonstrate excellence to the most people by standing out in your content leadership?
Enhance Search Engine Optimization
Thought leadership increases the authority needed for strong search rankings.
SEO without Thought Leadership is like a photograph of a sculpture in comparison with the sculpture itself- Thought Leadership enhances SEO by adding the dimension of depth and by diversifying to more types of searches. It expands your business' keyword universe so you pull from places your competitors don't even think of.
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